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Can you feel it?

Can you feel Her rising?

Can you feel the rumble under your feet, beneath the soil of Mother Gaia, as She moves and grows toward the light?

The Divine Feminine is here, she is rising to join with the Divine Masculine and bring the balance that this planet is so desperately crying out for.

I have been feeling Her for years, knowing this day was coming and excited to be a part of the revolution of women owning their worth and surrendering to the softness of authentic vulnerability and love. I have bore witness to so many women's personal stories, I have been in the trenches with them as we heal together, as we cry together, as we re-member together....that this time we don't have to do it alone. This time we understand that it must be done with quiet grace and confidence in walking the beauty way...the way of unity and community....TOGETHER ...lifting one another up when we are too weary to take another step....surrendering to another's arms as we admit we just can't do it alone anymore.....allowing the tears to flow and knowing that THAT is true strength, not in holding them in.....

In the face of hate and exclusion...Let us stand together in silence and let the Presence of our love and divine feminine essence speak for us of our strength and compassion.

We are making peaceful HerStory Sisters!

The largest peaceful protest in history....seeing women from all over the world joining together in peace and love for the rights of all beings brought tears of gratitude. We are the ones we have been waiting for, keep it up Ladies!

I've never been prouder to be an awakened Woman!

Happy New Year my friends, I hope you rang in 2017 with hope and love in your heart surrounded by beautiful people who love and support YOU! We are entering into an exciting year of new beginnings. From a Numerology perspective, 2016 marked the end of a 9 year cycle and we enter a new 9 year cycle in 2017. So the energy right now is ripe for new beginnings, shedding the old and embracing the new! The intentions and manifestations we put into place now have staying power and will set the tone for the next 9 years. NOW is the time to embrace and share your UNIQUE authentic creative expression with the world, to plant the seeds for your deepest desires and what you truly want to grow. Give yourself permission to let go of old outdated beliefs, let go of old resentments that are making you heavy and stuck in anger, let go of limiting beliefs about yourself and what you are capable of.....lay down your armour, remove your masks and veils of illusion and just BE YOU!! With no excuses, no judgements....just LOVE! What you focus on now is manifesting rapidly so make sure you are choosing to think positive, think BIG and focus on how LOVE is the force behind it all.

This past year was unsettled for sure, we had a lot of change, a lot of loss but a lot of beauty and blessings as in reflecting on those we lost this year....You just never know when your last dance is, when your time to walk through the door to your next adventure will arrive...So why not make 2017 the year you allow your dreams to manifest, the year you finally let go and acknowledge how amazingly loveable you are, the year you embrace vulnerability and show up as your authentic expression, the year you finally lay down your armour and trust your beautiful life and let it unfold before you like a beautiful dance....

We are in this together,

I Am You, You are Me, We are ONE......

I just returned from a fun and laughter filled Thanksgiving with my family down in Little Heaven, Delaware. I am filled with such gratitude for a family that enjoys each other so much, that doesn't bicker or fight, that welcomes everyone to our, extended family, new friends and dear old friends. We usually have around 30 people at our table every year give or take a few, 30 unique and beautiful people. There is unity at our table, and anyone with love in their heart is welcome to give thanks with us. That's just one of the many things I love about us!

As I was lost in thoughts of gratitude staring out the passenger window on our ride home I started to notice and pay attention to the billboards lining the highway, advertising all of the things you "need" in your life. There were ads for everything,... insurance, money, loans, cars, plastic surgery, clothing, fast food, Gentleman's Clubs, gyms, jewelry...etc....You get the idea. What I did not notice is one billboard offering you something to heal you from the inside out, all of these things they advertise were things to heal, fix, validate, fulfill or adorn your outer body, the physical You. From all of my soul searching, heart waking, spirit shaking journey there is not one thing outside of myself that has helped me to heal. Healing is an inside job, a gift and a blessing if you allow it. If you stop focusing on all of the outside things that you are being told you need and get quiet....really quiet.....the soft and gentle voice of your Soul will provide you with all you need for this journey.


A message I received recently in meditation sums it up nicely...

"Everyone is looking for love & validation...Until you can give that to yourself there is not enough love or validation in the world to bring you the comfort and peace you seek"

This Holiday Season....Get quiet, listen to that small voice within and begin to Love yourself back to wholeness.....

I send blessings of love and light to you and your family and invite you to join me in continuing to Choose Love and manifest peace & unity on our beautiful Mother Earth.

Goddess Blessings~!

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