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Anxiety...what Anxiety? The Benefits of Womb Awakening...

This past weekend I had the gift of escorting one of my dearest friends to NYC for her 50th birthday celebration! Her husband sent us to the Classic East, a two day concert at Citi Field with our favorite band, Fleetwood Mac the headliners to close the weekend. To say I feel grateful would be a huge understatement. We had such an amazing time, singing, dancing and walking all around the city in our down time.

This weekend was a huge barometer as to just how much this Womb awareness work has healed, shifted and strengthened me. See, I’ve never let my anxiety really stop me from doing anything, I’ve had some truly amazing life experiences, but it did stop me from doing these things peacefully and fully enjoying my experiences. What I noticed in reflecting on this weekend is that I did not have an ounce of anxiety. I never focused on all the things that could go wrong and instead knew no matter what happened I would handle it in a state of presence. Which allowed me to just go with the flow of my personal experience…..and I felt so peaceful in my body as each unique experience unfolded. I drove into the city and trusted that all would unfold perfectly. I felt completely safe and at ease. I never worried what was going on at home and stayed present and enjoyed every moment. I met strangers who became fast friends. I engaged with life and allowed life to love me back.

This is what this womb work is about…being grounded and present in your own powerful feminine essence, into the deep feminine wisdom that resides in you. As women most of us look outside ourselves for validation, for answers, for our truth and never acknowledge that everything you need to know is within you. When you root yourself to your own womb space & allow yourself to drop in to your own unique rhythm & completely trust that rhythm to guide you, you begin to experience a resistance free existence where your mind is open to everything and attached to nothing. You begin to understand that worry continually creates exactly what you don’t want.

As this realization of the shift that has taken place within me hit me, I felt so light, so free, so grateful. I worked really hard to get to this place. To a place where I can take full deep breaths, where I can soften into myself, where I can trust….myself, my life, the universe…..

Tom Petty said it best....

“Most things I worry about never happen anyway…”

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