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The renewal of Spring...and the return of the SUN

"If we are to be Soul Makers,

we must not reject the idea of the Womb."

~ Djohariah Toor

Whenever new life grows and emerges, going into the darkness is crucial to the process. The Caterpillar must go into the Chrysalis, the Child grows in the darkness of the Sacred Womb, the Seed is planted deep into Mother Earth....there is always a time of waiting in the dark. So in order to "birth" your true self, you must delve into the darkness of the Soul and decide what no longer serves you, what is no longer true for you and make the conscious choice to surrender and release these outdated beliefs and patterns to recover what is lost, heal what is wounded and become who YOU really are. Allow your vulnerability to guide you in exploring what part of you is disconnected from your feelings and give yourself permission to feel.

So, as we emerge from our dark Winter hibernation, our womb of inner reflection, with the hope and promise of Spring right around the corner, may we all have the courage to allow the shedding of our old selves and OWN our unique expressions of the Divine!

Give yourself permission to grow, shine, flourish and change the world!


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