We are in the midst of a global shift, and the Sacred Feminine is emerging in all of us. We are all unique expressions of the Divine Mother, each with unique gifts to share with the world. When we join together to hold space for one another, to share & honor our unique gifts, to lift each other up, to celebrate authenticity...we begin to pave the way and become co-creatrixes of a new way of being as Womban in this world. As we rise and own our feminine sovereignty we give other women the courage and permission to do the same. We must celebrate each other and not tear each other down. We must create community where women feel safe to lay down their armour, remove the masks, heal their wounds, own their truth and embrace unity, equality in ourselves and each other....and most importantly to LAUGH! It is time to deepen our sensitivity and return to our own inner rhythms and the rhythms of the Moon and the sacred cycles of nature.
I am so grateful for my Tribe, my Sisters, the ones who walk willingly into the flames of transformation, the ones who hold a mirror for my possibility, hold space for me as I allow it to unfold and celebrate me when I embody my wisdom and my medicine.
This past weekend we gathered for a Wild Women Weekend, we cooked together, chanted and drummed around the fire, meditated, laughed and cried, shared wisdom and s'mores, slept under the stars and celebrated our connection to each other and all that is...as Daughters of the Universe, We are One.....and I couldn't be more thankful to be blessed with such genuine, authentic, brave Sisters to travel this Earth Walk with.

If you are you hearing the call of Sisterhood... Find your Tribe and love them fiercely....and most importantly let them love you fiercely!
We are a revolution...
Sacred Sisterhood is changing the World...
It is time....
If this resonates with you, consider joining me for the Awakening to the Wisdom of Your Womb: A 4 Week Experiential Series, starting on September 16th, where you will BEcome the midwife of your own re-birth, begin to embody your divine feminine sovereignty and join the collective energy of Sisterhood as we rise! Are you ready?